How to engage remote contact center agents.

Remote contact center agents present a unique challenge. A different approach is required for training, team-building, and management when your agents don't work in the same physical location. Keeping your remote team focused, happy, and engaged is a real worry.

Watch the on-demand question and answer session with Jeff Toister, The Service Culture Guide.

Questions answered:
  • How can you effectively train a remote team?
  • What can you do to prevent remote agents from burning out?
  • How can you make remote agents feel part of the team?
About Jeff
Webinar Image
Jeff Toister
The Service Culture Guide, Toister Performance Solutions
Jeff's first customer service interaction ended in a service failure. Vowing to learn from that experience, he became obsessed with customer service. Today, he's the best selling author of four books, including The Service Culture Handbook. More than 12,000 customer service professionals around the world subscribe to Jeff's Customer Service Tip of the Week email. And, over 3 million people have taken his training courses on LinkedIn Learning.

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