Webinar: Securing Remote IT Tools

A Guide for IT Professionals to Mitigate Cyber Threats

Securing IT infrastructure to safeguard employee and customer data is a top priority for businesses today — especially with the alarming number of cyberattacks recently making headlines.

With over 20 years of experience in the field of remote IT support, we recognize the importance of ensuring every IT technician, manager, and business leader understands the potential risks and evaluates the security of their IT support solution.

In this webinar, experts in IT support & security discuss:
  • Recent cyber threats: Offering you insights into the latest cyberattack trends and areas security leaders are monitoring
  • Managing security risks: Defining the potential security risks in remote tools and guiding you on how to mitigate them
  • IT tool must-haves: Providing actionable advice on how to evaluate, deploy, and manage IT support tools with best-in-class security measures

Chris Savio
Attila Torok
Anand Rajaram
Chris Savio
Sr. Director of Product Marketing
Attila Torok
Chief Information Security Officer
Anand Rajaram
VP of Product

Want to know more about keeping your employees and customers safe?

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